In my last post I demoed my OED Recontextualizer, which annotates texts according to how they have been used as citation evidence in the Oxford English Dictionary, 2nd Edition. The program re-writes the file in HTML, showing the number of times a particular passage of text is quoted in OED, and the headwords under which it appears. To show it off, I posted Milton’s Paradise Lost and Shakespeare’s complete sonnets in this format for general perusal.
Today I’m putting up Hamlet, in the text of the 1623 first folio. If the program has done its job right, it will have detected passages with variant spellings, as well as type-os and other kinds of mistakes, both in OED and in the digitized text I used.
Here are two screen shots showing lines which might be familiar, but check out the entire play, by clicking here. Let us know if you spot any misses or glitches.
(Is it fair for WS to get in under ‘aneled’ and ‘unaneled’ with this?)
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